The Savvy Edit Book Club: A Review On Gravitas

Our team recently attended the Women's Conference of Florida, where we heard from all kinds of powerful women about a wide range of topics! One of the keynote speakers was Lisa Sun, the founder and CEO of Gravitas, a women's fashion company. Her presentation was so empowering, of course, we had to get the book she wrote.

About Gravitas

Gravitas: The 8 Strengths That Redefine Confidence, is a book created to help us push beyond the 'typical' definition of confidence and redefines what confidence looks like in the workplace, particularly for women.

Two of our team members here at Social Savvy finished the book and here are our key thoughts and takeaways.

Briana Thoughts

I originally saw Lisa Sun speak at the Women’s Conference of Florida in Tampa. Immediately following her session I had to pick up her book to learn more on how to gain more confidence and self-worth. She shared so many personal stories about her challenges in life and business. I especially enjoyed her story on how she came to name her company “Gravitas”. She received some feedback in her first professional interview about how she needed gravitas and eventually named her business after this interaction. What a “look at me now” moment. I think this is a great read for any woman. I feel like a lot of us share similar insecurities and battles and Lisa helps us realize that and how we can overcome some of these challenges we face. I’m at a crossroads in my life where I’m trying to figure out who I am and what I want and I’m sure I’ll use some of the lessons in the future when I battle with my self.

P.s. my confidence language is giving, knowing and achieving 🙂

Harmony Thoughts

Growing up as the quiet kid, I was constantly told to "speak up" or "gain confidence," even at times that I did feel really confident in myself. Which, made me think that I wasn't confident! However, in this book, she preaches that confidence comes in all shapes and sizes. We were commonly taught that confidence is bold, loud, and charismatic. But Lisa describes that it doesn't look like that for everyone and it's important to find out what it does look like for you. I would highly recommend seeing Lisa speak in person if you can because this book is just the tip of the iceberg! This book was a great reflection on finding your strengths and how to tap into them in your personal and professional life to showcase confidence.

There you have it, our full review of Lisa Sun's book, Gravitas: The 8 Strengths That Redefine Confidence from our team! If you add this one to your reading list, we want to know your thoughts!


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