How To Cope With The Winter Blues
No matter where you live, I think we can all agree January-March can be a bit of a challenging time of year. You're coming off the high of the holiday season, there are a lot of big changes in the new year, and the weather, even though we don't hit the below zeros here in Tampa, still can put us into a bit of a sad funk.
Living in the Midwest for most of my life, I thought moving out of the gloomy snow and icy weather would instantly put me into an improved mood this time of year. But, that hasn't quite been the case! I don't know about you, but the minute the days start getting shorter and it's dark by 5 pm, I get right back into the winter blues.
S.A.D., or seasonal affective disorder, is a type of depression that is common during the fall-winter months, and while we can't make it go away in an instant, here are some things that we do to help cope with this seasonal mood.
Get Outside (If You Can)
While temperatures are still dropping, try to get outside even if it's for 15 minutes. Eat your lunch outside, work from an office with a window to soak in some sun, or go for a walk before work, it can help in a big way to get some vitamin D. If you can't, try a vitamin D supplement, or try foods rich in vitamin D to combat this, instead.
Light Therapy
Again, if you can't get outside, light therapy can be an option! There are plenty of light therapy lamps you can add to your desk, nightstand, or anywhere in your life to trick your brain into getting more light.
Create a Workout Routine
Staying active is key! Working out can lead to just the boost of endorphins to push out the winter blues. Plus, having a set routine can sometimes be exactly what you need to push yourself out of a funk!
Start a New Hobby
A shift in focus could be a good change! Trying something new could re-spark your mindset and make you turn around your day. Think about something you've always wanted to try or something that your friends do, that you could join in on as well.
Spend Time With Friends
Being around people, even if you aren't doing anything planned or structured, can be a big help! We all experience a bit of the winter blues from time to time, so being around others who are in the same boat and pulling each other out of it will help!
Talk to Someone
Don't be afraid to talk about it! Find someone you trust, whether that's a therapist, family member, friend, or co-worker. Talking it out and brainstorming how to remove those winter blues from your life could be helpful.
We hope this helps you get out of the winter blues!