How To "Edit" Your Life in 2025
This is going to be my year ~ me to myself every. single. year.
When it comes to reflecting on the previous year, I think it's easy for a lot of us to focus on the goals that we didn't reach and the lows that come with simply living, and getting into the cycle in the new year of "this is going to be my year." Setting new goals, dropping them after a few months, and then repeat for the next year. HOWEVER, we are waking up this year ladies!
2025 is going to be the year of getting sh*t done, we are calling it now. If you are sick of saying "This is going to be the year" vs acting on it, we are right there with you. This is what we are doing in the new year to "edit" out the toxins in our lives and make the transition into actually having our best year yet.
Edit Out Your Closet
So much confidence comes from what we are wearing. But, let's cut what you know about cleaning out your closet. The shirt with the tags, the jeans you don't quite fit into right now, and the gift that someone got you that you just can't quite get rid of (you know, just in case they come over and suddenly decide to check your closet one day??), we are editing those out, babe. Go further and throw out absolutely anything that you don't feel happy about, confident in, or sentimental about.
Edit Out Your Space
What space do you spend the most time in? Office, car, living room, kitchen? Start there! What isn't making you feel great anymore? Donate it! What is making you feel cluttered? Reorganize! If our spaces are stressed, we are stressed. Take the time to audit each of your spaces and think about how you can maximize each and build them around YOU!
Edit Out Your Routine
On some level, we are all routine people! Even if you say you hate likely still have one! Go through your daily, weekly, or monthly routine and think about how you can make it better. What's consuming most of your time and how can you switch things up? What is making you feel stuck and how can you edit this out?
Edit Out Your People
We've been preaching it for years, cut the toxic people out of your life! Even more so, cut out the people that just aren't for you anymore, they don't even have to be toxic. It's okay to grow out of friendships, it's okay to pull back from certain friend groups, and it's okay to end a relationship. This is going to be the most challenging step, but we promise you that it's what's best for your mental health!
Edit Out Your Mental Load
You're probably thinking...what the heck does that mean?? Think about all the things taking up space in your brain...aka, what pops in your brain that you have to do at 11 pm when you are trying to sleep? We are human, of course, our to-do list looks scarier and scarier into adulthood. But, here's the thing we don't talk about enough, we do have choices of how what’s consuming our to-do list! If there are tasks on your plate that are constantly taking up too much space in your mind, you will run out of space to focus on what's important or all the good things. Is doing your laundry too much after work? Change your budget around so you can hire this out. Is your job cutting into too much of your personal time? Figure out how you can maximize your PTO or reset your boundaries so this doesn't happen. There are ways that you can cut out things here and there, and you won't believe the difference it has!
We can't wait to see the 'new' you in 2025!